Wednesday, July 4, 2012

2012 june 2 - #9 Bewitched Red Ale a la Oktoberfest OG= 1.057

2012 june 2 - #9 Bewitched Red Ale a la Oktoberfest  OG= 1.057
2 can HME Red Ale
1 can Oktoberfest
1 booster
1/4 oz Hallertau hops
1 tsp Irish moss
Safbrew S-33 Dry Ale Yeast
This very popular general purpose yeast offers consistent performance. This yeast produces superb flavor profiles and is used for the production of a varied range of top fermented special beers, from witbier and Belgian ales to interesting English and American styles. Best for low to moderate abv brews.
Temperature Range: 59°-75° F
6/14/2012 – 1.011
6/15/2012 – 1.011
6/16//2012 – 1.011
7/2/2012 -  Red ale Oktoberfest. Not so much gas at open due to using ½ primer. Malty and bitter smell. Tastes malty. Medium carbonation. I'm tasting the oktoberfest . Bitter. Overall, good.
7/4/2012 – Smooth. Good carbonation. 6% ABV